On April 16, 2024, Abdul Hameed El Kayyali, Abdel Qader Amer and Nora Lafi presented the HISDEMAB book published in Jordan in early 2024 on political participation in the Arab World as part of the MECAM’s Event Week n.2 “Imagining Future” in Tunis.

On April 16, 2024, Abdul Hameed El Kayyali, Abdel Qader Amer and Nora Lafi presented the HISDEMAB book published in Jordan in early 2024 on political participation in the Arab World as part of the MECAM’s Event Week n.2 “Imagining Future” in Tunis.
Beirut and Strasbourg: https://search.worldcat.org/fr/title/1420864555
Leibniz-ZMO Berlin https://search.worldcat.org/fr/title/1414161130
Bösch (Frank), Deals mit Diktaturen. Eine andere Geschichte der Bundesrepublik, Munich, Beck, 2024, 622p.
The HISDEMAB collective book edited by Abdel Qader Amer, Abdul Hameed El Kayyali and Nora Lafi (Alaan 2024) is receiving a great coverage in the Arab press:
‘تأملات حول المشاركة السياسية’ في المنطقة العربية | MEO (middle-east-online.com)
“تأملات حول المشاركة السياسية في المنطقة العربية مطلع القرن العشرين” (operamisr.com)
كتاب”تأملات حول المشاركة السياسية في المنطقة العربية مطلع القرن العشرين” – عبور (oboure.com)
Nora Lafi, “Réflexions sur l’historicité de la délibération dans le monde arabe : Tripoli à l’époque ottomane” in Neila Saadi (ed.), Éclairages variés sur la Libye contemporaine, Tunis, IRMC, 2024,p.35-70.
Éclairages variés sur la Libye contemporaine – IRMC (irmcmaghreb.org)
Amer (Abdel Qader) El Kayyali (Abdul Hameed) Lafi (Nora) (eds.), تأملات حول المشاركة السياسية في المنطقة العربية مطلع القرن العشرين [Reflections on Political Participation in the Arab World at the Beginning of the 20th c.], Amman, Alaan Publishers, 2024, 224p.
Available HERE with Alaan Publishers
What is a good representative and how is this related to material culture? Dis:connecting citizens and Members of parliament in postwar Italy and West Germany”
November 13, 2023. 16h00-18h00 (Berlin Time). Registration: https://forms.gle/A8AJDvdaQyUiG5qD8
After fascism, the reestablishment of parliamentary systems brought along a central yet often neglected question of modern democracy: what was a good representative, and why? Zooming into the urban everyday of postwar Italy and the Federal Republic during election campaigns, my talk examines how and where voters and Members of Parliament met and negotiated their relationship. It scrutinizes public and private expectations of the people’s representatives and considers, vice versa, the perspectives of political parties and parliamentary elites on the electorate. What becomes clear is that the dis:connection of voters and their representatives in a period of rapid social change depended not only on mental and emotional conditions, but also on certain material circumstances of political communication.
Claudia Gatzka is a historian researching the history of democracy and
political communication, tourism and the construction of the “European”. Gatzka studied history and political science as well as European ethnology in Berlin and Bologna. She has been a research associate at the department of History at the University of Freiburg since 2015 and a teaching professor since 2020. Her dissertation on “Democracy as Local Practice. Citizens, Politics, and Urban Electoral Culture in Italy and the Federal Republic 1945-1976” was awarded the Tiburtius Prize in 2017. Among her publications: “Political education and electoral politics: Communists and Catholics as teachers of democracy in early post-war Italy” (European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire, 2022); “Des Wahlvolks großer Auftritt. Wahlritual und demokratische Kultur in Italien und Westdeutschland nach 1945” (Comparativ, 2013, 23-1). A post-Nazi path to participatory democracy. Popular deliberation and electoral politics in West Germany and Europe, 1940s–1970s, in: Parliaments, Estates, and Representation, Special Issue: Ruling the Assembly. Procedural Fairness, Popular Emotion, and the Access to Democracy, 19th-20th century, ed. by Anne Heyer, Anne Peterson and Henk te Velde (forthcoming).
The Art of Public Speaking (Fan al-Khitaba al- Amma): The Tunisian Public Sphere after 2011
October 16, 2023. 16h00-18h00 (Berlin Time). Registration: https://forms.gle/A8AJDvdaQyUiG5qD8
The dismantling of the police state headed by President Ben Ali in 2011 and the subsequent ratification of the rights of freedom of expression and association marked the end of censorship and silence, which had been the communicative conditions of Tunisian public life since the establishment of the French Protectorate in 1881. The broad institutional transformations that came about in the aftermath of the revolution were reinforced by a plethora of pedagogical undertakings that targeted the Tunisian public. Thus, the emerging civil society benefited from the support of foreign donors to launch training programmes aimed at inculcating the skills of public deliberation among the citizenry. This talk engages with the unfolding of these programmes as civic trainers navigate the local and historical articulations of liberalism and of democracy. The talk examines the most intensely promoted and widely disseminated civic training programme in post-revolutionary Tunisia: debate training. The talk argues that debate training aims to inculcate liberal glossaries and dispositions for democracy across the social fabric. It places systematic observations on debate training at the intersection of transnational trajectories of international democracy promotion and the legacies of liberalism in pre and post-2011 Tunisia.
Charis Boutieri teaches anthropology at King’s College London, UK. She is the author, among others, of the monograph Learning in Morocco: Language Politics and the Abandoned Educational Dreams (Indiana University Press, 2016) and of “The Democratic Grotesque: Distortion, Liminality, and Dissensus in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia” (Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 2021) as well as “Events of Citizenship“. Her current research on the Tunisian public sphere has been funded by the Leverhulme Trust UK (2015) and the British Academy (2021).
Hajaji (Ahlem) and El Ouerghemmi (Nadia), “Zwischen Geschichte und Erinnerung: Jüdinnen und Juden in der Tunesischen Linken”, in Altieri (R.), Hüttner (B.) and Weis (F.) (eds.), Die Arbeiter*innen-Bewegung als Emanzipationsraum Jüdinnen und Juden in der internationalen Linken (vol.3), Berlin, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 2023., p.41-47.