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1- 12-17 September 2022: HISDEMAB panel at DOT Berlin 2022

Reflexions on the Historicity of Democracy in the Arab and Muslim Worlds. Panel Chair and Organizer: Nora Lafi (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)

Panel Abstract:

This panel intends to present some of the results of the international research programme HISDEMAB (funded by the Leibniz-Association), dedicated to the question of the historicity of democracy in the Arab and Muslim Worlds. The aim is to offer a historical analysis of democracy, considering both the complexity of local societies and the early ambiguities of their relationship with Europe. Reflections on this question have often been the object of culturalist reifications. The aim here is to explore this crucial issue starting with an examination of political forms that were inherent to societies of the region and that belonged to the dimensions of debate, deliberation, vote, representation, and negotiation. This posture accepts to examine the hypothesis that democracy had its own roots in the region, that it was not only imported from the “West” and that the impact with European forms of democracy was more complex than often thought. This might help understand both failures and possibilities under a different light. The intent is also to discuss the interaction of these early forms with various forms of modernity, including late-ottoman, colonial and national, in challenging, through a use of the notion of historicity, the multiple layers of euro-centred, colonial and post-colonial interpretations that have accumulated since the 19th century and to propose a critical examination of this heritage and its historical evolution between the accommodation of translocally circulating forms, the negation of local forms, the dilution of local governance schemes and the ambiguous resurgence of old forms in new political contexts.

Paper Presenters:

Robin Schmahl (HISDEMAB Doctoral Fellow, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), “Deliberation on behalf of the people? Assessing the role of the Cairo Diwan, 1798-1801”

The talk will offer an assessment of the role of the Cairo Diwan, or deliberative council, during the last phase of the French occupation of Egypt, 1798-1801. For this purpose, it will adopt a three-dimensional approach based on polity, policy, and politics descriptions. Drawing from deliberative theory, the councils are explored in their function within the colonial administration of the Expedition in Cairo. Here, they are conceptualized as venues for publicized deliberation which purports information transfer from the administration to the local population and to bestow legitimacy to French rule in Egypt. The talk will focus on the Diwan under the Generalship of Jacques-François de Menou, 1800-1801, based on two Arabic manuscripts held in the Bibliothèque nationale de France. The Diwan of 1800-1801 will be conceptualized as the product of a continuing process of institutionalization of French colonial rule by connecting it to its precursory institutions in place under Bonaparte and Kléber described in Arabic and French sources as well to the instances of deliberation that existed in Ottoman Egypt before French occupation. Finally, the paper will elaborate on how an analysis of institutionalized deliberation within the Diwan conduces to a novel application of deliberative theory in an effort to understand the role of deliberation within undemocratic, repressive regime types.

Nora Lafi (HISDEMAB Project Leader, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), “Complex Regimes of Historicity: The colonial Reinterpretation of Djema’a assemblies in Algeria”

This paper is dedicated to the study of forms of collective deliberation, election, negotiation, and decision that are relevant in a discussion on possible early democratic impulses inherent to societies of the Muslim and Arab Worlds and on the difficult link between such impulses and modern concepts of democracy. Such instances include councils and assemblies at various levels. The case-study chosen here is that of local Djema’a (assemblies) in villages and cities of Algeria. Based upon local chronicles and archives (BOA Istanbul) as for the Ottoman period and archival resources pertaining to the colonial period (Archives nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence), the paper examines at a micro-level the nature of decision-making processes as well as the details of voting procedures (materiality of the voting system, decisions on nominations, decisions on resolutions) and consensus-building processes in the context of societies marked by confessional, tribal and social diversity. The perspective is that of historical anthropology, linking this micro-analyse to broader questionings. Among such questionings are reflexions on the possible early democratic nature of such practices, its limits, and ambiguities and how the impact with colonisation and modernity created a profound gap between practices historically anchored in local societies and newly introduced decision-making processes, themselves marked by deep ambiguities and contradictions as far as democracy is concerned. Using the concept of historicity, the aim is also to decipher the nature of the various layers of interaction and interpretation that have accumulated on, and transformed the meaning of, these instances: colonial reinterpretations by French authorities, contemporary instrumentalizations.

Ahlem Hajaji (HISDEMAB Doctoral Fellow, Université de la Manouba, Tunis), “The local deliberative bodies of the Jewish community in Tunis during the colonial period”

The aim of this paper is to contribute to discussions on notions like deliberation and democracy through the study of the transformation in a colonial context of the practices that existed within the Jewish communities of Tunis in medieval and Ottoman times. There were approximately 20,000 Jews in Tunis at the end of the nineteenth century, most of whom having ancestry in Tunisia stretching back at least to the Roman era, with smaller groups composed of arrivals from Spain and Italy. In 1857 reforms to grant civil and religious equality to all subjects were introduced by Mohammed Bey, prompted also by European economic interests. Before the French colonial occupation of 1881, Jews in Tunisia had lived with the Ottoman dhimmī status, that provided a level of protection unknown in Europe. Starting from 1910, some Jews could become naturalized French citizens, though they lost this status in 1940. After World War II, the Jewish community experienced a massive emigration, in the context of Independence and of the geopolitical tensions that followed the creation of the State of Israel. The paper, based upon a study of archives from the Tunisian National Archives and from local communal archival resources, as well as upon a reading of the local communal Jewish press and archives, examines the evolution of deliberative and voting practices within the various branches of Jewish communal organisations. It also proposes reflections on the articulation of temporalities between various layers of historicity.

Abdel Qader Amer (HISDEMAB Doctoral Fellow, IFPO Amman/University of Jordan, Amman), “Political and Administrative Decision-Making Processes Under Colonization: The National Governance Experiment During the British Mandate Over Iraq (1920-1932)”

Many historical studies on colonialism have given attention to its effects and legacies, especially the long-term political and economic repercussions. On the other hand, recent studies worked on shedding light on the internal dynamics of colonial administration and colonial state-building processes. This paper falls within this trend: it studies Iraq’s political and administrative decision-making processes during the Mandate period and how power was distributed between the national authority and the Mandate authority that was ruling with de facto control. The study seeks to draw a picture of the relationship between these two authorities and understand the possible limits of the role played by colonial authorities in managing and influencing Iraq. The paper seeks to answer questions on political and administrative decision-making mechanisms as well as on if and how the Iraqi national authorities were able to exert their powers on the ground. A specific attention is also dedicated to the forms of deliberation and negotiation, sometimes inherited from previous practices that were enacted between members of the sphere of power, society in general and colonial authorities. Sources for this study are the Minutes of the Iraqi Constituent Assembly’s sessions (1924-1925), the Minutes of the sessions of the three Iraqi parliaments and notables (1925-1928, 1928-1930, 1930-1932) from Baghdad, the Minutes of the Iraqi Council of Ministers’ sessions (1920-1932) and the Correspondence of the British Colonial Administration as well as Iraqi newspapers and periodicals.

Habib Kazdghli (HISDEMAB Senior Partner, Université de la Manouba, Tunis), “Uncertainties and Concerns on the Implementation of Local Democracy in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia (2014-2021)”

Following the 2011 Revolution, and the fall of Ben Ali’s dictatorship, Tunisia entered a period of both great political effervescence and fragile process of democratization. This paper focuses on the question of the definition, negotiation, and implementation of democratic principles at the scale of local institutions, mostly municipalities after 2014, i.e., the year of the general and presidential elections. This period led to the municipal elections of 2018. The aim of the paper is both to propose a chronicle of local debates on democracy, its form, and its nature in this context, and to analyse the ambiguities, limits and instrumentalizations the concept of democracy has been the object of at all levels. The aim is also to study how the various actors of such debates, from politicians to civil society, from media to social media and from the sphere of local activism, trade unions, conservative religious networks to mobilisation of the scale of neighbourhoods, villages or factories one the one side used and interpreted the concept of democracy and on the other side reflected in their own practices and representations various historical and anthropological layers of forms of deliberation and expression of opinions. This perspective is part of a broader reflection on the concept of historicity, with questionings on the constant interaction between various temporalities in the definition of democracy.

2- 20-24 September 2022: HISDEMAB Panel at Insaniyat Tunis 2022

Institutions in Crises: Reflections on possible Democratic Practices and Organisations

Organized by Ahlem Hajaji (Laboratoire Régions et Ressources Patrimoniales de Tunisie, Université de la Manouba) and Robin F.C. Schmahl (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)

This workshop intends to shed light on how civil institutions, democratic practices, as well as representative bodies reacted to and acted within different crises, albeit social, political, or conceptual, in the 18th, 19th and 20th century. As an event organized by the Historicity of Democracy in the Arab and Muslim World research project [HISDEMAB], the workshop’s main focus of interest stems from three different aspects: (1) democratic practices and civil institutions, (2) their historicity in interaction between various temporalities and successive redefinitions, as well as (3) how these aspects were shaped and actively engaged with different sets of crises. As such, the workshop will explore the workings of numerous institutions ranging from citizenship practices in French Algeria, the dawāwīn in 18th century Cairo, representative bodies of Iraq and welfare-organizations in Souk El Arbaa in the 20th century, to the assemblies of the Jewish community as well as the Grand Council in 19th century Tunisia. The talks will analyze how these institutions faced challenges produced by a variety of crises under Ottoman hegemony as well as French and British colonial rule from a transdisciplinary perspective drawing mainly from historiography, but also political theory.

AMER, Abdel Qader (IFPO, Amman)

عنوان: عملية صنع القرار السياسي والإداري تحت الاستعمار- تجربة الحكم الوطني في فترة الانتداب البريطاني على العراق 1920-1932

تهتم العديد من الدراسات التاريخية حول الاستعمار بالآثار والإرث الذي تركته الإدارات الاستعمارية في الدول المستعمَرة بعد رحيلها، لا سيما الآثار طويلة الأمد، إلا أن اهتماماً آخر يأخذ حيزاً مهماً من الدراسات حول الاستعمار في الدراسات الحديثة، وهو البحث في ديناميكات الإدارة الاستعمارية وتحليل عملياتها وتفاصيل بناء الدولة الاستعمارية، الأمر الذي يساهم في فهم بناء الدولة المعاصر، خصوصاً أن الدولة وحتى النظام السياسي الذي نشأ أثناء الحقبة الاستعمارية قد استمرّ لعقود طويلة في العديد من الدول، كما في حالة العراق، أو استمرّ حتى الآن، كما في حالة الأردن. وتندرج هذه الورقة ضمن هذا الاتجاه، حيث تدرس عملية صنع القرار السياسي والإداري في العراق أثناء فترة الانتداب، وكيفية توزيع السلطة وتداخلاتها بين سلطة وطنية تأسست في عهد الانتداب وسلطة الانتداب الحاكمة بقوة الأمر الواقع، متتبّعةً مدى الصلاحيات التي استطاعت السلطة الوطنية العراقية ممارستها على أرض الواقع منذ تأسيسها. تبحث الدراسة في ذلك من خلال دراسة المداولات بين دوائر السلطة الوطنية والسلطة الانتدابية حول اتخاذ بعض القرارات السياسية والإدارية التي تعدّ قرارات ذات أهميّة ودلالة في تلك الفترة، سعياً لرسم صورة للعلاقة الفعليّة بين السلطتَين، ولفهم حدود الدور الذي كانت تلعبه السلطات الاستعمارية في إدارة العراق والتأثير عليه من خلال مناقشات ومداولات صناع القرار أنفسهم.

BAUMANN, Simon (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)

Crisis of Citizenship: fellowship and political belonging in Algeria during the French colonial period (1834-1962)

An analysis of the historicity of democracy and deliberative practices would be incomplete without looking at who gets to take part in political processes. Citizenship, as a form of membership to a political body, enables the individual to engage in the political arena, which is why this concept is crucial for a deeper understanding of cooperative decision-making processes. Drawing on concepts of postcolonial and social citizenship studies, this talk will analyse the (re)construction of citizenship in Algeria due to French colonization; in particular how pre-existing forms of belonging have been destructed, adopted, or deformed by the French colonial empire and outline the longue-durée consequences of these processes. Central to this analysis is the double conception of social citizenship of socius (fellowship) and social rights (Janine Brodie and Engin Isin). The first sense of social citizenship – or fellowship – is a prerequisite of formal citizenship, expressed in civil and political rights. This in turn enables the second dimension of social citizenship, which constitute social rights. This talk will focus on the concept of fellowship and its relation to formal citizenship and social rights, as well as the consequences of colonization.

GHAZOUANI, Helmi (Université de la Manouba)

عنوان: التداول صلب العمل الجمعياتي : الجمعية الخيرية الإسلامية بمدينة سوق الأربعاء نموذجا 1921-1969

تأسست الجمعية الخيرية الإسلامية بسوق الأربعاء بتاريخ 23 سبتمبر 1921، وهي تعتبر أوّل جمعية يؤسسها الأهالي، وقد تكوّنت من أعيان البلدة، وتعاظم دورها خاصّة في أربعينات القرن الماضي، أي أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية وبعد انتهائها، وقد تواصل نشاطها بعد الاستقلال تحت مسمّى “التضامن الاجتماعي” وتتمثّل الإشكالية الرئيسية ليس في إبراز كيفية تأسيس الجمعية الخيرية الإسلامية بمدينة سوق الأربعاء فقط بل أيضا إبراز كيفية التداول وتغيير الأعضاء صلبها وكيفية حوكمة نشاطها واتّخاذ القرارات صلبها. تندرج هذه الدراسة حول التداول صلب العمل الجمعياتي: الجمعية الخيرية الإسلامية بمدينة سوق الأربعاء نموذجا خلال الفترة الممتدة بين 1921-1969، ضمن مبحث التاريخ المحلّي، الذي أصبح يلقى اهتماما متزايدا لدى الباحثين خلال السنوات القليلة الماضية. في محاولة منهم لإبراز بعض الفترات التي لا تزال في الظل من تاريخ البلاد التونسية.

HAJAJI, Ahlem (Laboratoire Régions et Ressources Patrimoniales de Tunisie, Université de la Manouba)

عنوان: هيئات الحوكمة المحلية للطائفة اليهودية في تونس خلال الفترة الاستعمارية الإشكالية الرئيسية :

تتطرق هذه الورقة إلى تاريخية هيئات الطائفة اليهودية بتونس خلال فرتة الاستعمار وذلك من خلال الحديث عن ظروف بعث مجلس الطائفة اليهودي وأهم الممارسات التداولية صلبه وأهم الفترات التي مر بها للإجابة على هذه الإشكاليات سنعتمد على المنهج الوصفي الذي سيساعد على تحديد مميزات التطور القانوني للهيئات المحلية للطائفة اليهودية وحوكمتها، وفي تحديد الإطار العام لطبيعة هذه الهيئات، كما سأعتمد على المنهج التاريخي، من أجل استحضار الواقع القانوني لها خلال كل حقبة تعاقبت على حكم البلاد التونسية، منذ صدور الأمر المؤسس” لمجلس الطائفة الإسرائيلية بتونس” سنة1921 حتى التاريخ الحالي .وهو ما يفرض استخدام المنهج التحليلي بهدف القدرة على قراءة النصوص القانونية التي تناولت تنظيم الهيئات المحلية للطائفة اليهودية في تونس خلال الفترة الاستعمارية وتحليلها وتفسيرها

LAFI, Nora (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)

Proceedings, Deliberations, and Votes within the Grand Council in Times of Crisis: Tunis 1861-1863

Tunis at the time of the Ottoman reforms experienced great upheavals and moments of unprecedented crisis in the organisation of its institutions and in its modes of decision-making at local and regional level. Between colonial appetite and military pressure, pressure from civil society suffering brutal changes in its mode of production at work and in the street with new laws governing it. The aim of this presentation is to follow through the study of the deliberations and votes within the Grand Council in Tunis how the crises are apprehended and overcome. We will also look at the question of old regime practices, their persistence and their erasure or transformation in times of crisis.


Deliberation in 18th century Egypt: Methods of Preventing, Mediating, and Navigating Political Crises

The Ottoman province of Egypt in the 18th century has been an arena for an exceeding amount of political conflict, social turmoil and economic strife. Research has shed light on the countless power struggles among different factions such as the Egyptian Beylicate, the Ottoman authorities in Cairo as well as the military corps stationed in the city. However, most studies focused on the rise and fall of strong individuals who represented those factions. Furthermore, these struggles are often analyzed through the lens of political strife and intrigue as well as military conflicts and open violence. This paper intends to add another dimension of analysis to the research literature on Egypt in the 18th century moving away from an individualist approach focused on solely on conflict: deliberation. Deliberative practices, albeit in impromptu or more institutionalized formats, play an important role for preventing, mediating, and navigating political conflicts. As such, we do find forms of deliberation as decisive factors in structuring many crises taking place in 18th century Egypt. Ranging from the diwān of the Ottoman governor, to private and public councils within different mamluk households, this paper aims to explore the role of deliberative structures in Egypt’s troubled 18th century. For this purpose, it will rely on a number of Arabic source materials and adopt a transdisciplinary outlook based in historiography and deliberative theory.


1- February 8, 2021: Falestin Naili (IFPO Amman) presented her research on “Colonial Contingencies: the Political Marginalisation of the Municipality of Jerusalem under the British Mandate”

2- March 15, 2021: Khémais ArfaouiLes élections politiques en Tunisie de 1881 à 1956: le colonialisme et la question des libertés politiques

Khémais Arfaoui est professeur d’histoire à l’Université de Tunis où il a reçu son Doctorat en histoire contemporaine en 2001. Il est habilité à diriger des recherches avec une thèse d’habilitation conduite également à la Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines de Tunis en 2013. Parmi ses publications: Justice et politique en Tunisie à l’époque coloniale 1881-1956 (en arabe) ; Les élections politiques en Tunisie de 1881 à 1956 Colonialisme et libertés politiques (Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011);  « La problématique de la justice dans la pensée de Khéreddine », Rawafid, n° 14, 2009, p. 81-97. Il a publié également de nombreux ouvrages et articles en langue arabe. Ses recherches portent sur les mutations en milieu colonial dans les domaines de la justice et des assemblées « représentatives ». Il s’intéresse également à l’histoire du temps présent.

3- April 19, 2021: Helmi Ghazouani

4- April 26, 2021: Ridha Kallel, “جذور مظاهر  “الديمقراطية المحلية

من خلال رسالة دكتوراه حول في حوكمة بلدية صفاقس  في الفترة الاستعمارية

5- May 3, 2021: “Doctoral Research and the Question of the Archives: a Discussion on Methodology” (Arabic version below)

Roundtable organized by Marianne Dhenin (HISDEMAB doctoral research fellow at Leibniz-IEG Mainz)

Chloe Bordewich is a sixth-year Ph.D. student in History and Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University. Her dissertation focuses on the history of information (public, private, and secret) and its policing in the late and post-Ottoman Arab world, especially Egypt. She is also interested in the politics of memory and has conducted most of her research in Turkey, Egypt, and the UK. She is the author of “Diaries of an Ottoman Spymaster?: Treason, Slander, and the Afterlife of Memoir in Empire’s Long Shadow” (Jerusalem Quarterly, 2019)

Ayşe Polat is a Ph.D. Candidate at the History Faculty, University of Cambridge. Her dissertation explores the legal trajectories of transnational fugitives — refugees and slaves, vagrants and traitors — at the nexus of humanitarian and criminal jurisdiction in the 19th-century Eastern Mediterranean. She has worked in Ottoman, Egyptian, Lebanese, French, and British archival collections. She is the author of “Contending Sovereigns, Contentious Spaces: Illicit Migration and Urban
Governance in the Late Ottoman Empire
” (Global Histories, 2017)

سوف تنعقد ندوتنا القادمة للطلاب يوم اﻹثنين الموافق 3 مايو، من الساعة 4 و حتى الساعة 6 مساءا عن طريق زووم. سوف ينضم الينا كل من كلوي بوردويتش و عائشة بولات من الساعة 4 و حتى الساعة 5 مساءا، و اللتان ستقومان بالحديث عن خبراتهما في اﻷرشيفات و ستقومان بالرد على اﻷسئلة التي ستطرح في الطاولة المستديرة. برجاء تحضير سؤال أو اثنين لكلوي و عائشة و إرسالها لي عبر البريد اﻹلكتروني قبل يوم 23 ابريل.  كلوي بورديتش هي مرشحة لنيل درجة دكتوراة في التاريخ و دراسات الشرق اﻷوسط في جامعة هارفارد.  تركز أطروحتها على تاريخ المعلومات ( العامة، الخاصة و السرية) و الرقابة عليها في العالم العربي ما بعد الخلافة العثمانية خاصة في مصر. هذا باﻹضافة إلى اهتمامها بسياسات الذاكرة. قامت بإجراء معظم ابحاثها في تركيا ، مصر و المملكة المتحدة. عائشة بولات مرشحة لنيل درجة الدكتوراة من كلية التاريخ في جامعة كامبريدج. تبحث أطروحتها في المسارات القانونية للفارين خارج الحدود– اللاجئين و العبيد ، المشردين و الخونة–فى تقاطع اختصاص القانون الانساني  و القانون الجنائي في القرن ال19 في شرق البحر المتوسط. بحثت في مجموعات و أرشيفات عثمانية، مصرية، لبنانية، فرنسية و بريطانية. قمت بإرفاق ورقتين بحثيتين عن سياسات كتابة التاريخ. سيتم تخصيص الوقت المتبقى في الندوة لمناقشة هذين البحثين، باﻹضافة إلى مناقشة ما تعلمناه من كلوي وعائشة و كيفية تطبيقه في مشروعاتنا. برجاء التحضير لمناقشة المقالات. برجاء عدم تحضير عرض توضيحي

6- June 14, 2021: “Reseach Methods and Strategies” (Arabic version below)

Roundtable organized by Marianne Dhenin (HISDEMAB doctoral research fellow at Leibniz-IEG Mainz)

Sebastian Zbik is a Ph.D. candidate in the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw. His interests focus on the social and political history of the modern Arab world, especially the Arab Gulf. He is currently writing a doctoral thesis on the relationship between the Arab elites of Oman and Zanzibar between 1856 and 1964. His article, “The Omani Prince in the Search for Protectors: Abdulaziz bin Said’s Struggle for Power and Money in the Time of Growing British Dominance in the Indian Ocean Region” will be published in the 2022 issue of the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History.

Noha Fikry is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. Noha is interested in food, human-animal relations, questions of narrative, and the aesthetics of writing. She was the recipient of the annual graduate student paper award from the American Anthropological Association in 2018.

سوف تنعقد ندوتنا القادمة للطلاب يوم اﻹثنين الموافق ١٤ يونيو، من الساعة ٤ و حتى الساعة ٦ مساءا

سوف ينضم الينا كل من سباستيان زبيك و نهى فكري من الساعة ٤ و حتى الساعة ٥ مساءا، و اللتان ستقومان بالحديث عن نظرية الكتابة و طرق الكتابة و ستقومان بالرد على اﻷسئلة التي ستطرح في الطاولة المستديرة. برجاء تحضير سؤال أو اثنين لسباستيان و نهى و إرسالها لي عبر البريد اﻹلكتروني قبل يوم ٤ يونيو

سباستيان زبيك مرشح لنيل درجة الدكتوراة من كلية التاريخ في جامعة وارسو. يتركز اهتمامه على التاريخ السياسي و الاجتماعي في العالم العربي الحديث  خاصة في الخليج العربي. في الوقت الحالي يقوم بكتابة رسالة دكتوراة حول العلاقة بين النخبة العربية في عمان و زنجبار في الفترة ما بين ١٨٥٦ – ١٩٦٤. مقاله التالي سوف يتم نشره في مجلة الاستعمار و تاريخ المستعمرين عام ٢٠٢٢

نهى فكري طالبة دكتوراة بقسم الانثربولوجي(علم اﻹنسان) في جامعة  تورنتو. تهتم نهى بتاريخ الغذاء، علاقات الإنسان والحيون، أسئلة السردية، جماليات الكتابة.  حصلت على الجائزة السنوية لأبحاث الطلاب المقدمة من   الرابطة اﻷمريكية للأنثربولوجيا عام ٢٠١٨

قمت بإرفاق ورقتين بحثيتين عن  نظرية الكتابة و طرق الكتابة. سيتم تخصيص الوقت المتبقى في الندوة لمناقشة هذين البحثين، باﻹضافة إلى مناقشة ما تعلمناه من سباستيان و نهى كيفية تطبيقه في مشروعاتنا. برجاء التحضير لمناقشة المقالات. برجاء عدم تحضير عرض توضيحي

7- First Internal Workshop of the Hisdemab Programme

Leibniz-ZMO Berlin, November 23-25, 2021

November 23:

  • 9:00-9:45 Welcoming by Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi
    (Leibniz-ZMO, Berlin). Practical information on the seminar by
    Simon Baumann (Leibniz-ZMO, Berlin)
  • 9:45-10:30
    o Falestin Naili (IFPO, Amman): Why has IFPO
    joined the HISDEMAB project?
    o Manfred Sing (IEG, Mainz): Self-Determination
    under Occupation? The Formation of Modern
    Egypt (1879–1956)
  • 10:30-11:30 Ahlem Hajaji (Manouba, Tunis): “Jewish Community in Tunisia under French Colonization’” in Arabic (Visa not granted: Online)
  • 11:30-12:30 Abdel Qader Amer (IFPO, Amman): “British colonial
    authorities and pre-existing forms of civic life in Iraq”
  • 12:30-13:30 Robin Schmahl (Leibniz-ZMO, Berlin): “Deliberative systems in Egypt during the French military campaign of 1798-
    1801 and the inception of the modern Middle East”
  • 13:30-14:30 Lunch break
  • 14:30-15:15
    o Habib Kazdaghli (Manouba, Tunis): Why has the
    Laboratoire Patrimoine joined the HISDEMAB
    project? (in French, online)
    o Frank Bösch (Leibniz-ZZF, Potsdam): “Dealing with
    Dictatorships: Democratic Germany interactions
    with worldwide Autocracies, 1949-1990″

15:15-16:15 Elisabeth Kimmerle (Leibniz-ZZF, Potsdam): “Women in Movement. Migrant Women from Turkey in West Germany as
Transnational Actors (1960s – 1980s)”

  • 16:15-16:30 Coffee break
  • 16:30-18:30 Hybrid Discussion with the whole team
    on organizational matters: Workshops (content, dates)
    & publications, input by each HISDEMAB institution
  • 18:30-19:30 Marianne Dhenin (Leibniz-IEG, Mainz): “’To Disinfect an Egyptian Town Means Destroying and Reconstructing It’: Cholera
    and the Reordering of Late 19th-Century Cairo” (online)
  • Evening: Collective dinner.

November 24

  • 10:00-10:15 Introduction by Nora Lafi
  • 10:15-11:15 Student’s initiatives (PhD colloquia, etc.)
  • 11:15-11:30 Coffee break
  • 11:30-14:00 Presentations of the chapters for the
    collective HISDEMAB / ZMO book
    Working titles:
    o Introduction by Nora Lafi
    o Rand El Zein: Egyptian women bloggers during
    the January 25th revolution
    o Falestin Naili: Colonial contingencies: The
    political marginalisation of the municipality of
    Jerusalem under the British mandate
    o Robin Schmahl: Deliberation on behalf of the
    people? Assessing the role of the Cairo Diwan,
    o Manfred Sing: Discussions on citizenship in
    Egypt, 1922-1930
  • 14:00-15:00 Lunch break
  • 15:00-18:00
    o Marianne Dhenin: ‘Attention to Motherhood’:
    Maternal and Child Welfare, Civil Society, and
    the State in 20th-Century Egypt (online)
    o Ahlem Hajjaji: The local deliberative bodies of
    the Jewish community in Tunis from the colonial
    period to the ‘Arab Spring’ (in Arabic)

o Frank Bösch: Dealing with autocracy. German
democrats and Gaddafi’s Libya, 1969-1993

  • 16:30-17:00 Coffee break
    o Elisabeth Kimmerle: Transnational social
    movements in West Germany and their political
    activism for democracy in Turkey from abroad in
    the long 1970s
    o Abdel Qader Amer: Political and Administrative
    Decision-Making Process Under Colonization: The
    National Governance Experiment During the
    British Mandate Over Iraq 1920-1932
    o Nora Lafi: Elections, deliberations, participation
    and representation in Tripoli during the Ottoman
  • Evening: Collective dinner

November 25:

Thematic excursion in Berlin about the historicity
of democracy for the doctoral students.
Preparation of the Amman workshop by Nora Lafi and
Falestin Naili.

8- December 15, 2021, 16h00-18h00: “Doctoral Research and the Question of Visual Sources” (Arabic version below)

Roundtable organized by Marianne Dhenin (HISDEMAB doctoral research fellow at Leibniz-IEG Mainz) and Elisabeth Kimmerle (HISDEMAB doctoral research fellow at Leibniz-ZZF Potsdam)

Zeinab Azarbadegan is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Vienna School of International Studies. Her research focuses on the intersection of production of scientific knowledge and international relations and law in contesting sovereignty in late nineteenth-century Ottoman Iraq. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Ottoman and Turkish Studies AssociationJerusalem Quarterly, and Philological Encounters. 

Tamara Maatouk is a history Ph.D. student at the City University of New York, with a focus on the modern Middle East. She is interested in the interpenetration between Egyptian cinema and twentieth-century politics and the use of films as a serious vehicle for understanding, conceptualizing, and reconstructing the past.

Please also listen to this podcast: Visual Sources in Late Ottoman History.

The remainder of the seminar was dedicated to an informal discussion of these papers.

سوف تنعقد ندوتنا القادمة للطلاب يوم الأربعاء الموافق 15 ديسمبر ، من الساعة 4 و حتى الساعة 6 مساءا عبر تطبيق زووم. تنضم إلينا كل من زينب أذربيجان  وتمارا معتوق من الساعة 4 إلى 5 مساءً وسوف تقومان بمناقشة عملهما المتعلق بالمصادر المرئية، كما ستقومان بالرد على أسئلتنا التي ستطرح في المائدة المستديرة. رجاءً تحضير سؤال أو اثنين  و إرسالها إليّ عبر البريد الإلكتروني قبل يوم 3 ديسمبر كي تقوم كل من زينب و تمارا بالرد عليها.

زينب أذربيجان هي باحثة في مرحلة ما بعد الدكتوراة، زميلة  مدرسة فيينا للدراسات الدولية.  يركز بحثها على التقاطع بين إنتاج المعرفة العلمية و العلاقات الدولية والقوانين في سيادات متنافسة في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر في العراق العثمانية.

تمارا معتوق هي مرشحة لنيل درجة دكتوراة في التاريخ في جامعة مدينة نيويورك، و تتركز دراستها على الشرق الأوسط.  تهتم تمارا بالتداخل بين السينما المصرية و السياسة في القرن العشرين و استخدام الأفلام كأداة جادة لفهم، صياغة التصورات و إعادة بناء الماضي.

يرجى أيضا الإستماع إلى البودكاست. 

باقي المؤتمر سيتم تخصيصه لمناقشة ودية البودكاست، ماذا تعلمنا من زينب و تمارا، و كيف نقوم بتطبيق ما تعلمناه في مشروعاتنا. يرجى التحضير لمناقشة.  يرجى عدم تحضير أي عروض تقديمية

9- Doing Transnational History

Roundtable organized by Marianne Dhenin (HISDEMAB doctoral research fellow at Leibniz-IEG Mainz) 

From 10 to 11 am, we were joined by Agnes Piekacz, who will discuss their work and the topic of “Doing Transnational History” and answer our questions in a roundtable format. Please prepare one or two questions that you would like the presenters to answer and send them to me via e-mail on or before January 24.

Agnes Piekacz is a doctoral researcher in history and sociology at Bielefeld Graduate School. Her doctoral project explores the second-hand clothing trade in the British Empire c. 1870–1910. Her most recent article, “Imagined Markets? Long-Distance Trade in the British Empire” was published in InterDisciplines.

Our reading material for this seminar will be a forthcoming chapter from Manfred Sing on how to write transnational or global histories and “​​​​How to De-Provincialize Islam instead of Provincializing Europe.” .

سوف تنعقد ندوتنا القادمة للطلاب يوم الثلاثاء الموافق ٢ فبراير، من الساعة ١٠ صباحا و حتى الساعة ١٢ مساءا عبر تطبيق زووم.

 تنضم إلينا أجنس بيكاكس ومقدم أخر (سيتم اختياره) من الساعة 10 إلى 11 صباحاً صباحاً وسوف تتم مناقشة عملهما المتعلق بالتاريخ عبر الوطني، كما ستقومان بالرد على أسئلتنا التي ستطرح في المائدة المستديرة. رجاءً تحضير سؤال أو اثنين وإرسالها إليّ عبر البريد الإلكتروني قبل يوم 24 يناير كي تقوم كل من المقدمين بالرد عليها.

أجنس بيكاكس باحثة دكتوراة في التاريخ و علم الاجتماع في جامعة بيلفيلد، يتناول مشروعها تجارة الملابس المستعملة في الإمبراطورية البريطانية بين عامي 1870-1910. تم نشر أخر مقالاتها “أسواق مٌتخيلة؟ التجارة النائية في الإمبراطورية البريطانية” في InterDisciplines.

المادة المتاحة للقراءة في هذه الندوة ستكون الفصل المزمع نشرة لمانفريد سينج حول كيفية الكتابة عن التاريخ العبر دولي و العالمي و “​​​​How to De-Provincialize Islam instead of Provincializing Europe.” سوف أقوم بتوزيع الفصل الأسبوع القادم وسيتم مناقشته خلال الندوة. بناء على اقتراح نورا، برجاء تحضير تعليقات أو خواطر 

موجزة لمشاركتها مع المجموعة. ستنعقد المناقشة من الساعة 11 صباحاً وحتى 12 مساءاً.

برجاء ملئ استمارة الدوودل الندوات القادمة في مارس وأبريل. إذا كان لديكم مقترحات حول موضوعات لتتم منقاشتها، مقدمين، أو مواد للقراءة، يرجى إرسالها إليّ عبر البريد الإليكتروني 

10- March 23, 2022

Discussion with Yasmine Hafez and Leila Zonouzi on the topic of oral histories

11- May 10, 2023

Discussion with Rebecca Meier on ” “Election Observation in Turkey as an STO in 2018”.