Historical Approaches to the Democratic Experience in Tunisia
The Workshop takes place at Manouba University (Laboratoire du Patrimoine) and in Hammamet. It is part of the HISDEMAB resarch project of the LeibnizGemeinschaft collaborative excellence programme. It is organized by project partners from Manouba University (Laboratoire Régions et Ressources Patrimoniales de Tunisie)
Sunday September 25 ,2022
Dinner in honor of the guests
Monday September 26 ,2022
09:00 – 15:00
Welcoming words by Habib Khazdaghli, Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi
“Discussion and Reflection on the local mechanisms of representation and election and democracy“, chaired by Nora Lafi (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin and Hisdemab Project Leader). Contributions by Habib Khazdaghli, Ulrike Freitag, Ahlem Hajaji, Abdel Qader Amer, Falestin Naili, Frank Bösch, Elisabeth Kimmerle, Robin Schmahl, Simon Baumann, Manfred Sing and Marianne Dhenin.
16:00-19:00: Discussion a selected draft chapters of the book on the historicity of democracy edited by Nora Lafi
Helmi ghazouani, “Background and modes of “democratic” practices in the city of Souk El-Arbaa (Tunisia): 1887-1956″
Mbarek (Afef), “Communal Governance, Democratic Governance? Tunisian Jews during the French Protectorate Era“
Hamitouche (Youcef), “The Berber movement and the Algerian State”
Jebahi (Mabrouk), “‘Orf, Democratic Spirit and Dissidence: Reading Muslim Tradition and Colonial Ethnography from the Tunisian South“
Dhaou (Bsissa), “Election in Tunisia in the mid nineteenth century and during the French protectorate : Between local Communities and political authorities”
Drissi (Sihem), “Democracy Building in Tunisian Political History: Rereading the importance of consensus mechanism within the democratization process“
Guéchi (Fatima Zohra), “Composition, délibération et prise de décision dans le diwan de Haj Ahmed, (dernier) Bey de Constantine”
Teniou (Nourddine), الديمقراطية في وعي المقاومة الإصلاحية الدينية و السياسية .. خطابٌ استقلالي آخر في الجزائر [ 1930- 1950 ] [Democracy, religious references and political reformist resistance: an alternative narrative of Algeria’s fight for independence (1930-1950)?”]
Tuesday September 27 ,2022
09:00 – 15:00
“Approaches to the democratic experience in Tunisia”
Chaired by Habib Khazdaghli (Professor and Director of Tunisia Regions and Heritage Resources Laboratory)
Mohamed Jerbi: “Histoire de la gestion de la ville de Sfax”
Mohamed Mériemi, “Les pratiques d’autogestion chez les Ibadhites de Jerba et l’assemblée des Azzabas”
Wednesday September 28 ,2022
Round-Table chaired by Mohamed Jerbi
Discussant Ulrike Freitag
Ridha Kallel (Université de Sfax), جذور مظاهر “الديمقراطية المحلية
من خلال رسالة دكتوراه حول في حوكمة بلدية صفاقس في الفترة الاستعمارية
Suaad Alghafal (Tripoli University / Leibniz-ZMO Berlin) “Uprising and violence as a tool for contesting the 1952 elections in Tripoli”
Leibniz-ZMO, Berlin سعاد الجفال جامعة طرابلس
المظاهرات والعنف كأداة للرد علي انتخابات سنة 1952 فيً طرابلس
Suaad Alghafal (Tripoli University / Leibniz-ZMO Berlin) “The first experience of elections in Libya after independence 1952”
Dinner in Nabeul after the visit of the city and meeting with the Association de Sauvegarde de la Médina of Nabeul
Thursday September 29,2022
Visit of the National Archives of Tunisia
Visit of Ksar Saïd Beylical Palace
Visit the archaeological site of Carthage (the place of the establishment of the first constitution in the world). UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
Organised by HISDEMAB members based at Manouba University (Laboratoire du Patrimoine) Tunisia: Ahlem Hajaji ( HISDEMAB Tunis / Manouba University), Faten Bouchara (HISDEMAB Student Assitant in Tunis / Manouba University (Laboratoire du Patrimoine) ), and Habib Habib Khazdaghli (Professor and Director of Tunisia Regions and Heritage Resources Laboratory, Manouba University).