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2022.05.23 and 24: International Workshop: Berlin

The Historicity of Democracy in the Arab and Muslim worlds

The workshop takes place at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient. It is organised around the presentation of draft-chapters following a public call for papers, in the framework of the preparation of a collective book.

23 May


Welcoming words by Prof. Ulrike Freitag, Director of the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient

Lafi (Nora) (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, HISDEMAB project leader and editor of the book project), “Introduction: Deliberation, Representation, Elections: Questioning the Historicity of Democracy in the Arab and Muslim Worlds”

Reflections on historicity and the quest of possible roots

Al-Kayyali (Abdul-Hameed), “The Question of Power in Classical Islam: Searching for the roots of deliberative processes

The late-Ottoman period

Akcasu (Ebru), “Reconsidering the Constituency: Immigrant Inclusivity in the late Empire’s Political Arena

Zborowski (Antje), “Yet the words State and Nation are not always synonymous: a Negotiation of Ottoman identity in the year 1911

Sever (Nurkan), “Allegations of Misconduct, Irregularity, and Intimidation in the 1912 Ottoman General Elections Held Within the Baghdad Province” (online)

Guéchi (Fatima Zohra),Composition,  délibération et prise de décision  dans le diwan de Haj Ahmed, (dernier) Bey de Constantine” (online)

El Guabli (Brahim), “Debating ‘Amazigh Deliberative Democracy’ in Morocco” (online)


The Colonial Context

Schmahl (Robin F.C.), “Treading a Fine Line: Deliberation, Mediation and Colonial Propaganda within the Diwan of Cairo, July-October 1798

Dhenin (Marianne), “Rearing Modern Egypt: Women-Led Child Welfare Programs as Sites of Political Participation and Transformation in the Early 20th Century

Amer (Abdel Qader), “Political and Administrative Decision-Making Processes Under Colonization: The National Governance Experiment During the British Mandate Over Iraq 1920-1932

Bösch (Frank), “Fighting for Democracy Abroad: Iranian Protest in West Germany, 1955-1973

Discussant: Florian Riedler, “Discussing the chapters, discussing the general book project: addressing the historicity of democracy”

24 May


Sing (Manfred), “The Concept of Citizenship in Formally (Not So) Independent Egypt

Hajaji (Ahlem), “Elections within the deliberative bodies of the Jewish community in Tunis during the colonial period

Naili (Falestin), “Colonial Contingencies: the Political Marginalisation of the Municipality of Jerusalem under the British Mandate

Reflections on post-1945 situations, chair Ülker (Erol)

Kimmerle (Elisabeth), “Demanding Democracy from Abroad – Transnational Socialist Movements in the 1970s between Turkey and West Germany

Evren (Can), “Debt of the City, Debts to the City: Professional Men’s Football, City Teams, and the Aristocracy-Democracy Dialectic in Turkey (1960-2020)


Limam (Jinene),The democratic transition in Tunisia: from leadership to crisis

Ben Khalifa (Riadh), “Decision-Making Processes within the local cells in East-Southern France of the Algerian National Liberation Front during the War of Liberation

Discussant: Guirguis (Laure), “Discussing the chapters, discussing the general book project: addressing the historicity of democracy in the Arab world”

Nora Lafi: General Conclusion and Planning of the Future Steps

19:00: Visit of the exhibition on Parliamentary History in the dome of the Reichstag building.

Chapters presented in other HISDEMAB events (Tunis-Hammamet, Amman, Online Seminar…)

Drissi (Sihem), “Democracy Building in Tunisian Political History: Rereading the importance of consensus mechanism within the democratization process

Ezz (Mohamed), ““What had to be done…”: Ismail’s Ambitious Plan to (re)invent Urban Subjects. City administration and Urban administration in late 19th century Cairo

Rey (Matthieu), “Between Elections and Constitution: ‘the people’ as body politic (1943-1963)

Jebahi (Mabrouk), “‘Orf, Democratic Spirit and Dissidence: Reading Muslim Tradition and Colonial Ethnography from the Tunisian South

Dhaou (Bsissa), “Election in Tunisia in the mid nineteenth century and during the French protectorate : Between local Communities and political authorities”

Gazouani (Hilmi), “Background and modes of “democratic” practices in the city of Souk El-Arbaa (Tunisia): 1887-1956″

Hamitouche (Youcef), “The Berber movement and the Algerian State”

Mbarek (Afef), “Communal Governance, Democratic Governance? Tunisian Jews during the French Protectorate Era

Monciaud (Didier),Progressive critical views on democracy in Egypt before 1952 : linking the national anti-colonial struggle and the social question