On December 18, 2024, I defended successfully my PhD dissertation at the University of Potsdam. The commission awarded me summa cum laude.
On July, 3, 2024, I handed over my dissertation to the University of Potsdam
On December 1-2, 2023: I presented Gendered Archives of Migration. Rethinking the Private and the Political in Contemporary Migration History, in “Cultures in Motion”at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
I published:
Articles :
Transnationale Wahlkampfbühne, in: taz. die tageszeitung, 3.5.2023
Zur Geschichte des transnationalen Wahlrechts in der Türkei. Ein Beitrag aus Anlass der Stichwahl in der Türkei am 28. Mai 2023 (Reprint), in: Zeitgeschichte-online, Mai 2023
Osman Kavala: Symbolfigur für eine andere, offene Türkei. Eine Solidaritätskampagne für die Freilassung des türkischen Mäzens von Shermin Langhoff und Fatih Akın, in: Zeitgeschichte-online, Juni 2020
Verkehrte Versprechen von Wohlstand und Glück in Deutschland. Intersektionale Perspektiven in Filmen von Korhan Yurtsever und Yüksel Yavuz, in: Zeitgeschichte-online, April 2023
Politisch, heterogen, transnational. Westdeutsche Zeitgeschichte durch das Prisma der türkischen Musikszene in Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm von Cem Kaya, in: Zeitgeschichte-online, Juni 2022
Frauen in Bewegung. Migrantische Selbstorganisation und transnationale Mobilisierung türkeistämmiger Migrantinnen in West-Berlin (1961-1990), ZZF-Podcast, Staffel 2, Folge 6, 16.01.2023
I submitted two articles for publication in 2024:
“Politische Nähkurse. Türkische Frauenvereine als Orte lokaler
Selbstorganisation und transnationalerMobilisierung (1975 – 1990)” in
Stefan Berger, Simon Goeke, Caner Tekin (Hrsg.), Migrantenmobilisierungen im Vergleich. Kulturelle und gewerkschaftliche Wechselwirkungen in der Zeitgeschichte.
“Demanding Democracy from Abroad. Transnational Socialist Movements in the 1970s between Turkey and West Germany” in: Lafi, Nora (Hrsg.),
The Historicity of Democracy in the Muslim and Arab Worlds.
Presentations on my research:
On June 23-26, 2023: I presented a paper on “Turkish Women’s Associations in West Germany (1975-1990). Migrant Self-Organizing and Gender from a Social History Perspective” at the New Perspectives on Social and Economic History of Modern Turkey conference (Universität Duisburg-Essen).
On May 24, 2023: My article “Zur Geschichte des transnationalen Wahlrechts in der Türkei. Ein Beitrag aus Anlass der Stichwahl in der Türkei am 28. Mai 2023“(Reprint) was published in Zeitgeschichte-online.
April 4, 2023: My review “Verkehrte Versprechen von Wohlstand und Glück in Deutschland. Intersektionale Perspektiven in Filmen von Korhan Yurtsever und Yüksel” was published in Zeitgeschichte-online.
On October 6-7, 2022: I presented a paper on “Politicizing the Private – Counselling Centers for Turkish Women as Contested Feminist Spaces in the 1980s in West Berlin” at the GenderSpaces. Perspectives of Contemporary History Conference of the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung in Potsdam.
On September 22-23, 2022, I presented a paper on “Türkische Frauenvereine als Orte lokaler Selbstorganisation und transnationaler Mobilisierung, “Migrantenmobilisierungen im Vergleich. Kulturelle und gewerkschaftliche Wechselwirkungen in der Zeitgeschichte” at the Institut für soziale Bewegungen in Bochum.
June 17, 2022: My review “Politisch, heterogen, transnational. Westdeutsche Zeitgeschichte durch das Prisma der türkischen Musikszene in Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm von Cem Kaya“, was published in Zeitgeschichte-online.
July 14, 2021:PhD Colloquium at ZZF Potsdam, Frauen in Bewegung. Migrantinnen aus der Türkei in West-Deutschland als transnationale Akteurinnen (1961-1990), Commentator: Barbara Lüthi (Universität Köln).
July 7, 2021: PhD Colloquium at ZZF Potsdam, Frauen in Bewegung. Transnationale Handlungsräume türkeistämmiger Migrantinnen in Westdeutschland (1961-1990), Commentator: Selda Tuncer (Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi).
June 23-25, 2021: International Workshop of the HISDEMAB Program, Leibniz-ZMO Berlin.
June 17-19, 2021: I participated at the International Workshop of the HISDEMAB Program, IFPO Amman. I contributed at the “Discussion and Reflection on the concept of Historicity and on Democracy“ and I commented several presentations on the role of women and their participation in society. Then I went with the groupt to visit the Museum of Parliamentary Life, and I visited The Center for Documents and Manuscripts in The University of Jordan in Amman. I also visited the cities of Salt and Irbid with hisdemab and ifpo people.
May 23-24, 2022: I participated in the international workshop The Historicity of Democracy in the Arab and Muslim worlds at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, where I presented my draft-chapter on “Demanding Democracy from Abroad – Transnational Socialist Movements in the 1970s between Turkey and West Germany“.
December 15, 2021: I co-organized today for HISDEMAB’s internal seminar a round-table with Zeinab Azarbadegan and Tamara Maatouk on “Doctoral Research and the Question of Visual Sources”
October 2021: I have been doing several weeks of archival research in Istanbul, in various locations: BOA, Beyazit State Library and Atatürk Kitaplığı mostly. In the last two months, I did archival research in Istanbul and Ankara. Milli Kütüphane in Ankara as well as Beyazıt Devlet Kütüphanesi and Atatürk Kitaplığı in Istanbul host a vast variety of historical daily newspapers and printed sources such as brochures and guidebooks for work migrants who went abroad. In the Turkish State Archive, I found some interesting governmental reports about the work migration from Turkey to West-Germany from 1961 onwards. To get more insights into the politicization and transnational practices of migrant women, I visited Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi ve Bilgi Merkezi Vakfı (Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation) and Tüstav (Social History Research Foundation) in Istanbul which documents the contemporary history of social movements in Turkey and abroad.
From 21 June to 2 July, 2021, I visited the State Archive in Koblenz and the Archive of Social Democracy in Bonn. The State Archive in Koblenz hosts various archival resources connected to the history of migration in West-Germany, such as governmental correspondence and reports which allow an insight into the organization of labor migration, negotiations about the politicization of migrants, and the transnational space created through migration from Turkey. In the Archive of Social Democracy, I was
particularly interested in the archival resources of the department ‘Foreign Workers’ of the trade union DGB in which among other sources the leaflets, magazines, and correspondence of various migrant organizations are documented. Through these letters, magazines, and leaflets, I can trace the political practices and strategies of migrants from the late 1960s to the 1980s.
On June 18, 2023: My article “Osman Kavala: Symbolfigur für eine andere, offene Türkei. Eine Solidaritätskampagne für die Freilassung des türkischen Mäzens von Shermin Langhoff und Fatih Akın” was published in Zeitgeschichte-online.