Frank Bösch is the director of the Center for Contemporary History in Potsdam and a Professor of German and European 20th Century History at the University of Potsdam. Educated at the universities of Hamburg and Göttingen he obtained his PhD in 2001 in Göttingen with a thesis on the Christian Democratic Union of Germany 1945-1969. He taught as an assistant professor (Junior-Professor) at the University of Bochum (2002-2007) and as a professor at the University of Gießen, where he was the head of the graduate school “Transnational Media Events”. In 2005 he was research fellow at the GHI London.
His more recent publications include books on media history, such as Mediengeschichte. Vom asiatischen Buchdruck zum Fernsehen [Media and Historical Change. Germany in International Perspective, Berghahn/NY 2015] and Öffentliche Geheimnisse. Skandale, Politik und Medien in Deutschland und Großbritannien 1880-1914 [ Public Secrets. Scandals, Politics and Media in Germany and Great Britain 1880-1914]. Recently he published a monograph on global crises and events of the late 1970s (Zeitenwende 1979. Als die Welt von heute begann), which was two months on the list of bestselling non-fictional books.
Frank Bösch is Co-editor of the peer-reviewed journal Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, of the book series “Geschichte der Gegenwart” [History of the Present] series (Wallstein), “Zeithistorische Forschung” [Studies in contemporary History] and the text book series “Historischen Einführungen” series [Historical Introduction] (Campus).