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Habib Kazdaghli

Prof. Habib Kazdaghli is the Director of the Laboratoire Régions et Ressources Patrimoniales de Tunisie at Université de la Manouba in Tunis, in which he has also served as dean of the Litterature, Arts and Humanities Department from 2011 to 2017. He is the President of the Scientific Committee of the Ibn Khaldun Prize.

Among his publications: “Communautés méditerranéennes de Tunisie” (2002); Nisāʾ wa-Ḏākira : tūnisīyāt fī l-ḥayā al-ʿāmma, 1920-1960 ([Women’s Memories: Tunisian Women in Public Life, 1920-1960], 1993); Histoire communautaire, histoire plurielle : la communauté juive de Tunisie ([Communal History, Plural History: the Jewish Community of Tunisia], ed., 1999); “Approches biographiques et histoire contemporaine de la Tunisie” (1998); “Histoire de la mémoire de la Grande Guerre en Tunisie” ([History of the Memory of the Great War in Tunisia], 2018); “L’Islam politique a-t-il encore un avenir?” ([Has political Islam a future in Tunisia ?], 2015); “Cimetières et extension urbaine: le cas de l’ancien cimetière juif de Tunis” ([Cemeteries and Urban Extensions: the case of the old Jewish Cimetery of Tunis], 2014); “Immigrations des juifs de Tripolitaine vers la Tunisie (1936-1948)” ([The Migration of the Jews of Tripolitania towards Tunisia (1936-1948)], 2012); “Tourism in the Maghreb during the Colonial Period: a Serious Historical Subject?” (with C. Zytnicki, 2017).

Latest publication: “Is Tunisia Ready for a Jewish Museum? Perspectives on the Current
Debates Surrounding the Status of Jewish Heritage in my Country” in The Art of Minorities Cultural Representation in Museums of the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Virginie Rey, Edinburgh University Press, 2020, p.227-240.

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