July 5, 2024: I defended successfully my PhD thesis at Universität Basel.
May 23-24, 2022: I participated in the international workshop The Historicity of Democracy in the Arab and Muslim worlds at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, where I presented my draft-chapter on “Rearing Modern Egypt: Women-Led Child Welfare Programs as Sites of Political Participation and Transformation in the Early 20th Century“
March 23, 2022: I organized on online discussion with Yasmine Hafez and Leila Zonouzi on the topic of oral histories
December 15, 2021: I co-organized today for HISDEMAB’s internal seminar a round-table with Zeinab Azarbadegan and Tamara Maatouk on “Doctoral Research and the Question of Visual Sources”
October and November 2021: I visited: The Presbyterian Historical Society, University of Pennsylvania, the Library of Congress, and the New York Public Library. I also visited the Tenement Museum and the “Cairo Modern” exhibit at the Center for Architecture while in New York, related to my project.
September 17, 2021: I co-chaired the panel “Modernizing al-Watan: Arab Experiences of Nation Building in the Early-20th Century” and Abdel Qader (Amman University, IFPO, HISDEMAB) presented his research. The title of my paper was “Rearing Modern Egypt: Child Welfare and the State in the Early-20th Century“. My participation was online and the congress was held at Osnabrück University
May 3, 2021: I organized today for HISDEMAB’s internal seminar a round-table with Chloe Bordewich and Ayşe Polat on “Doctoral Research and the Question of the Archives: a Discussion on Methodology”
Various publications are available online:
Next City, 2024
Disability Cosmos, 2024
Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2024.
Al-Taqaddum Al-Ilmi, 2023
“School Shooter Drills Ignore Disabled Students and Staff” (October 30, 2023)
“Inaugural Marder-Vaughn Center Grantees Inspire Next Generation Through Civics Education” (October 2023)
“Mapping the Path to Women’s Suffrage” (Fall 2023)
“Urban Planning for the People“, Yes Magazine, September 25, 2023
“Reviving Radio: An Old Technology Remains Relevant“, Yes Magazine, July 24, 2023
“Walking Tours Get a Radical Makeover, Focusing on People’s Histories“, Yes Magazine, June 2022
“Pushing Back Against Loosening Child Labor Laws“, Yes Magazine, April 27, 2023
“Preserving Labor History in the Present, for the Future“, Yes Magazine, Dec 2022
“This Southern Oregon Fire Resiliency Project Could Cut Severe Wildfire Risks In Half” (December 7, 2022)
“In One Oregon City, the Disability Community Is Ensuring They Aren’t Left Out of Disaster Planning” (June 21, 2022)
“A Resource Center For Unhoused Portlanders Focuses On Peer Support” (October 5, 2022)
“Growing the Green Workforce” (Spring 2023)
“The Rise and Fall Of Transatlantic Radical Planning—A Review Of “Against The Commons: A Radical History Of Urban Planning,”The Metropole: The Official Blog of the Urban History Association (co-authored with Mohamed Gamal-Eldin) (4 Apr 2023)
“Can Capitalism Be Overcome?” A Review of Mark Stoll, Profit: An Environmental History, High Country News (1 Feb 2023)
“Science and The City: An Overview And Bibliography,” The Metropole: The Official Blog of the Urban History Association (co-authored with Can Gümüş-İspir) (1 Mar 2023)
“Inclusive Mentorship” (Winter 2023)
“How Pests, Pathogens, and Pesticides Shape Geographies: Cases from the Early DDT Years,” Environmental History Now (16 Dec 2022)
“Drag Queens in the Classroom Teach Inclusion and Fun, Offering a World of Imagination” (June 2022)
“The untold story of the Pacific Northwest’s nuclear past” (October 14, 2022)
“Whose Modernism? An Exhibition Review of Mohamed ElShahed’s Cairo Modern,” Hazine (co-authored with Mohamed Gamal-Eldin) (15 Apr 2022)
Summer 2021 Covid-Nightlife in Berlin
“One Way to Create Cooler, Cleaner Cities” (August, 2021)
“Greta Thunberg talks Science” (May 20, 2021)
“Climate Change Is a Focus for Young Candidates Running in Conservative Areas” (October 2020)
“Greta Thunberg on Her Gap Year Climate Change Tour, Joe Biden, and Turning 18” (April 2021)
“History of Coerced Sterilization in the United States” (October 2020)
July 26, 2021: The Gay Green-Book
September 29, 2021: Coffee in Germany
Fall 2021: Playgrounds for all in the US
December 10, 2021: Parks in Detroit
December 22, 2021: Street Art in Philadelphia
January 2022: North-American Gardens and Climate change
February 2022: Russian Markets
Winter 2022: Cleaning up the Nile
January 2022: New Beers in the Middle East
February 15, 2022: Bees in Boston
March 28, 2022: A nursery in San Francisco
April 29, 2022: Palm Oil
May 18, 2022: Parks in California
May 20, 2022: Russian Vodka in America:
October 2020:
Climate Change in Oregon:
Young Americans and Democracy:
Generation Climate
Local Government in the US
Forced-Sterilization in the US
November 2020:
Agriculture in Palestine:
Biden and Trump on Climate:
Biden and Climate Policies
Beer in Palestine:
Non-Binary Candidates in the US
Election-Night in the US:
December 2020:
Arabic Science Fiction on Netflix
Sewages in Florida
Trump and Death Penalty
Fire-Resistant Cities in the US
Jan 2021:
Libyan Woman and the Peace Process
Fishing in Cairo:
Feb 2021:
Roof poultry in Egypt:
March 2021:Joe Biden and Syria
Spielplätze in America
Beer in Egypt:
Millenial Parents and Religion